Friday, April 12, 2013

Reply to "Pro-Choice"

I took some time reading through my colleague's articles on certain aspects of our government when I came across Brandon Boucher's article titled "Pro-Choice." I happen to agree whole heartily on what Boucher brings to the table and am also a pro choice advocate myself.

I don't believe anyone should have the ability to say what a woman, or even a human being in general, can or cannot do with their own body. I personally would never look in to the idea of an abortion but that is my OWN CHOICE. If an abortion is right for the 15 year old who won't be able to raise her child properly - Who is to say she can't have the option? If a woman was raped and ended up pregnant - Is she really going to be denied the right to end the pregnancy should she wish to do so? I believe very strongly that it should be that individual person's choice on whether an abortion is an option for them or not.

For Texas to begin bringing back the aspect of restricting the option for abortion is absolutely a step back. Haven’t we been through this already? Do we not remember the Roe v. Wade case? The Supreme Court deemed abortion a fundamental right under the United States Constitution. Why try to change this fact now? Isn’t that the definition of stupidity - “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”? During the first trimester, when an abortion happens to be safer than childbirth, the decision to abort is and should always be left to the mother.

Overall I believe Boucher did a fabulous job with his commentary on Pro-Choice. Two thumbs up! 

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