Friday, April 26, 2013

Texting While Driving = Big No-No!

It seems that the Texas House of Representatives have just recently passed HB 63, which happens to ban texting while driving with the exception of reading an "Emergency Text." Not quite sure how an individual is able to read such a text and know that it does consist of an emergency without actually reading all of the texts one receives, but let's skip such logic for now as it seems they have. 

I am 100% in favor of such a ban. Texting while driving is a danger to not only the individual who is doing the texting, but to each person that may be around them at that time. I read a total of 5 articles on this particular bill and the variety of opinions that popped up within the comments. I don't think there's a single person that can honestly say that texting is a positive while driving. In order to text, one must take their eyes of the road, take either one or even two hands off the wheel to create a message, and then ultimately send the text to it's recipient. While this may only take a few seconds if one is fast enough, these few seconds of distraction could very well cause an accident which can ultimately take the life of another. 

I will be completely honest and admit that I have participated in my share of texting while driving, both on the receiving and sending end. However, I have stopped such actions due to an accident I had caused myself. I went straight in to a ditch, right between two trees. I thank God there was no one other than myself involved, but it scared me to no end. It definitely knocked some sense it to me... literally. 

"In a survey released by AT&T, 49 percent of all commuters and 43 percent of teenagers admit to texting while driving."
While passing the House of Representatives isn't the end of the line for this bill, I'm hoping that the Senate and ultimately Governor Perry will give it a shot as well. (Fact: Governor Perry actually vetoed a very similar bill from passing in 2011 due to the fact he viewed it as "government effort to micromanage the behavior of adults" Isn't that all laws?) I know there are many lives that have been taken due texting while driving. It may not stopped people from texting while they are driving 100%, but it's certainly a step in the right direction in my opinion.  

If you are interested, here are the articles I read: 

Texting while Driving Ban Pass Texas House from the Daily Toreador

Ban on Texting while Driving Passes Texas House from the Star Telegram
Following Yelling Match, Texas House Passes Texting Ban from Texas Public Radio
$17.5 Million Grant on the Line from Texas Public Radio
HB 63 from the Texas Legislature Online

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